Surf on the Red Wave takes place in Belgrade in the years from 1997 to 2006. The play depicts the life of a group of adolescents in a time of dramatic political upheavals and international isolation. The story portrays the 15 year old girl Marija from the day she moved out of her parents’ home. The young, pretty and quite immodest girl dreams about glory and wealth during the difficult years of political and economic crisis. She starts a relationship with a recently enriched young man Luka, who is involved in a new dangerous but profitable street game called "Serbian Roulette" - suicidal street races against all traffic rules.
“I wrote about all of us, about the children who were brought up during communism. I wrote about us who, like puppies thrown into water, swam, got by, managed to float, or drowned. Waiting for better times to come, some of us disappeared somewhere between two rounds of elections’, says Ðuricic.
“All my heroes, their lives, their emotionally and sexually deviant behavior, and the violence against women, are the products of the society in which we grew up. I did a lot of research on the young players of the Serbian roulette who died at car-racings in the streets of Belgrade. I came to the conclusion that a lack of excitement is the core of the problem. We’re no longer able to come out to the streets and organise protests. So this is the way of expressing revolt, which sometimes is also a revolt against ourselves’, says the author.
Ðuricic has also written a new play which will be performed in Belgrade’s renown Atelje 212 theatre in April 2009. “I can’t reveal the name or the plot of the play. It will be a surprise for the audience. As for my up-coming novel, I already have an idea, but in order to put it into reality, I have to do some more research. I think the novel will be published this autumn”, said Ðuricic in an interview for Southeast Europe: People and Culture.
Ðuricic wants his works to be distributed regionally in Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. He hopes that soon the regional market for cultural products will be re-established. Of course, he would also like the rest of Europe to read his novels and dramas.